Our College

Welcome to our college. “Quality education for Nation’s Growth”. We aim to provide specific need based education and training opportunities for continuous professional development and all round education to each student through enjoyable and innovative curriculum by giving individual guidance to each student teacher “Who is going to mould our future citizens of India”. To fulfill the demands and needs of the nation to develop national and social integrity. To provide education for peace and for international understanding The college, some time face challenges like identifying eligible and suitable staff, training them in the present context, change of syllabus, admissions, coverage of syllabus etc. But college over-comes with these challenges with help of internal mechanism the college a strong governing body consists of highly educated and qualified members which helps in solving the problems of the college.Our students, faculty, and staff come together in a true community of scholars to advance knowledge, address societal challenges and pursue intellectual and personal fulfillment.The college is functioning in own pukka building and flourishing well day by day. All the institutions are catering the needs of Society. The mission vision etc., are made known to stake holders through prospectus. All the curricular and co-curricular programmes of the college are geared to achieve our vision and send out our Teacher Trainees with a sense of mission.

Ram Razi Devi Mahila P.G. College